Dell Alienware Area-51M Compal DDQ70 LA-G881P Schematic & Boardview

Dell Alienware Area-51M laptop Schematic (*.pdf), Boardview (*.cad), Boardview (*.brd Allegro), Boardview (*.pdf), BOM file (.xlsx / list of componets), DDQ70 LA-G881P Motherboard.

Also included: Subboards Schematic & Boardview

Original document, no irrelevant watermark.

LA-G881P-R10-Serenity MBLA-G881P_Alienware Area-51m Motherboard

Dell Alienware Area-51M Compal DDQ70 LA-G881P Schematic & BoardviewDell Alienware Area-51M Compal DDQ70 LA-G881P Schematic & Boardview

File list

Dell Alienware Area 51M – LA-G881P Boardview (.CAD).cad
LA-G881P TOP.pdf
LA-G881P-R10-Serenity MB.brd
LA-G881P-R10-Serenity MB.pdf

DBs SubboardsLS-G88BP-R20-Serenity HDI DGFF.brd
DBs SubboardsLS-G88BP-R20-Serenity HDI DGFF.pdf
DBs SubboardsLS-G881P-R10-Serenity Audio DB.brd
DBs SubboardsLS-G881P-R10-Serenity Audio DB.pdf
DBs SubboardsLS-G882P-R10.brd
DBs SubboardsLS-G882P-R10.pdf
DBs SubboardsLS-G883P-R10.brd
DBs SubboardsLS-G883P-R10.pdf
DBs SubboardsLS-G885P-R10.brd
DBs SubboardsLS-G885P-R10.pdf
DBs SubboardsLS-G888P-R10.brd
DBs SubboardsLS-G888P-R10.pdf

Boardview Software

Open Boardview(.brd) file with Allegro Free Physical Viewer (Download)
Open Boardview(.cad) file with BoardViewer (Download)

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